Frequently Asked Questions
What is the proper dosage for the Aeura Formulas?

Adults and children 12 years and over: dissolve 3 tablets, 3x daily under tongue at the first signs of an outbreak. Children ages 6-12: Half the adult dosage. For children under the age of 6, contact your physician.
To prevent future outbreaks, take 3 tablets, once per day.
The Aeura Formulas are safe to administer as necessary unless otherwise directed by a physician.

For optimum dissolution and absorption, it is recommended that the tablets be taken 5 - 10 minutes before or after eating or drinking.
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Can you overdose?
Due to the low concentration of active ingredients in homeopathic preparations, adverse reactions following over dosages are extremely unlikely. However, care must be taken not to exceed the recommended dosage.
Are the Aeura medications for treatment of Cold Sore, Herpes and Shingles FDA regulated?
The Aeura Formulas are FDA regulated, approved for over the counter (OTC) sales, and the only sublingual treatment designed to prevent the symptoms of cold sores, herpes and shingles on the OTC market today. Most OTC cold sore and shingles treatments are topical and designed to relieve the pain - not prevent the outbreak. The Aeura Formulas are designed to treat the cause as well as the effect by shortening an outbreak already underway, or preventing outbreaks before they occur with preventative maintenance.
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
Yes. Our cold sore, herpes and shingles formulas have a 99.9% success rate when taken correctly. We are so confident that the Aeura Formulas work that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you don’t see results from using our products.
What is homeopathic medicine?
Homeopathy or homeopathic medicine is a natural form of medication which has been practiced worldwide for over 200 years and has been proven effective in numerous clinical studies. Additionally, many internationally recognized medical journals have documented homeopathy’s healing ability.
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How long will it take until I see improvement?
The efficacy depends on several factors including the dosage, the condition being treated, how soon after symptoms occur that the medicine is started, and the age and health of the patient. Some customers have reported pain relief in as little as 1- 4 hours with lesions gone in 1-4 days.
How often can I take AEURA homeopathics?
Homeopathic remedies are safe and can be administered as necessary. We suggest you follow the recommended dosage information found on the package or consult with your healthcare practitioner.
Are there any side effects?
There are no known toxic side effects.
Is The Herpes Formula, The Cold Sore Formula or The Shingles Formula a prescription?
No, the Aeura Formulas are an over the counter (OTC) non-prescription treatment for the symptoms of Herpes, Cold Sores and Shingles.
Is it okay to continue suppressive therapies when I first start taking the Aeura Formulas?
Yes, as with the introduction of any new medication, check with your health care provider first.
Do the Aeura Formula’s conflict with any medications?
No. As with any new medication, consult your health care provider prior to beginning the product.
Can I take the Aeura Formulas if I am allergic to penicillin?
Yes. As with any new medication, consult your health care provider prior to beginning the product.
Can I take the Aeura Formulas when pregnant and nursing?
es. As with any new medication, consult your health care provider prior to beginning the product.