Join us at the Integrative Wellness Expo and Celebration in amazing Las Vegas Nevada.Cutting edge and futuristic products and services in the areas of natural health, wellness and fitness.This includes massage, shamanic healing and so much more.There may even be some “out of this world” exhibitors, intuitive readers, crystal and healing jewelry and fine art.This will also be a great place to network and connect and re connect with positive, uplifting people including leaders in the industry.
It is amazing to be around like minded people. And how wonderful it is to be able to explore the many different ways people use to lead their healthy and most fulfilled life. Gain great ideas for your future wellness. It is like Disneyland or Nordstroms for those of us who want to know more, connect with like minded people and to experience and sample as many things as possible in one day or come for two days. To have an expo in a beautiful location where everything is taken care of and you can just come and relax, walk around, meet new people and uplift your thoughts and feelings. Come away from your workday or your stress and join us at this very special event.
Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit. Bring your friends and family for a relaxing day or two of unique and fabulous products and services.
Something for everyone and most excellent energy flowing
65 Health & Wellness Vendors To Choose From
